Mobile app design and development

We specialize in cross-platform mobile applications. Our services are focused on providing mobile-first design and full-stack development. Create an entirely custom mobile application with us.

Research and design
We will work directly with your business to determine your exact requirements in order to design a mobile experience
We will develop your mobile application from end to end, implementing the design as a cross-platform mobile application
We will provide support to launch and deploy your developed mobile application to your user's devices
Mobile App
Daily active app users
daily users
Usage insights
Monthly average growth
Minimum daily users
Maximum daily users

Our work

Accountability: Daily Goals

Accountability is an app designed to hold users accountable for their daily goals. Users set their daily goals within the app and become a member of a group to report to. All group members are able to see the daily goal completion status of other members within the group and receive notifications as daily goals are completed.

Create a new daily goal
Visible to all group members
Goal title
Read a book
Goal description
Read at least one chapter
Create goal

Complete daily goals

Set daily goals. These can be completed once a day and their completion status is refreshed daily.

Reading group
Group #12AB3C
Daily group summary
2/3 members are done
Lorem ipsum
Ut enim
Duis aute
Complete goals

Become a member of a group

Create or join a group. Other group members will see your daily goals and completion status to keep you on track.

Group member goals completed today
  • Lorem ipsum completed Read a book

  • Ut enim completed Study for 30 minutes

  • Duis aute completed Read an article

  • Lorem ipsum completed Go to the gym

  • Ut enim completed Watch a lecture

Notifications from group members

Send and receive push notifications. Every time a group member's daily goal is completed, all of the other group members will be notified.

Available for download now

App Store LinkPlay Store Link

Drive Time: Tracking Log

Drive Time is an app designed to allow users to track their time spent driving. Users can view their progress towards requirements. New drives can be started within the app and previously completed drives can be reviewed. The drive history can be exported in order to save or send.

Drive in progress
Finish Drive

Track driving time

Start a timer for a drive. Clock in your time spent driving to make progress towards driving time requirements.

Welcome back!
41 hrs 39 mins / 50 hrs
Completed night requirement!
Drive history
Review your completed drives
Start driving
Clock in time behind the wheel

View requirements progress

Check progress towards requirements. View your total and night time driving progress.

Drive history
Export driving log
  • May 25, 2024
    1 hour 7 minutes
  • May 24, 2024
    0 hours 43 minutes
  • May 23, 2024
    1 hour 14 minutes
  • May 22, 2024
    2 hours 2 minutes
  • May 21, 2024
    1 hour 38 minutes
  • May 21, 2024
    0 hours 23 minutes

Review and export driving history

Review completed drives. Modify your previous drives and export them as a driving log file.

Available for download now

App Store LinkPlay Store Link

Popular mobile application benefits

There are innumerable benefits that mobile applications provide. Every business has a unique set of requirements that our mobile applications can be customized to. Get in contact with us to discuss your specific needs.

  • Push notifications

    With push notifications, you can remind your users about your app's benefits and exciting features, promote new products and deals, and provide real-time updates and alerts on important information

  • Camera and scanning

    Easily capture high-quality images and scans of important documents, receipts, and other physical materials using the device's camera and scanning capabilities

  • Branding

    With your business's logo, colors, and messaging prominently displayed within your app, you can create a consistent and memorable brand experience that will keep users engaged and coming back for more

  • Biometric login

    With biometric login, your users can easily and quickly access your app using their fingerprint, face recognition, or other unique biometric identifiers

  • Data

    Gather important data on user behavior, preferences, and interactions, providing you with a wealth of insights to improve your business. Make informed decisions and take targeted action to optimize your business operations

  • Cross platform

    Reach all of your users across different mobile devices (iOS and Android) with a cross-platform app. This will allow your app to work and integrate into your business regardless of the platform your users have chosen

Get in contact with us

Let's start discussing providing value to your business with a custom mobile application.